
A free C++ BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP Download Client



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bitcomet_detailed_info_pane [2010/07/11 12:58] greywizardbitcomet_detailed_info_pane [2015/08/15 04:21] (current) – external edit
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 ====  Statistics ==== ====  Statistics ====
   * //Overall tasks//: //Total//: Number of total tasks/ //Running//: Number of tasks that are downloading and uploading.    * //Overall tasks//: //Total//: Number of total tasks/ //Running//: Number of tasks that are downloading and uploading. 
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   * //Overall Upload Rate//: Total upload rate of all tasks [//MAX//:Overall Upload rate limit]/ //LT Seeding//: Total rate of all LT Seeding [//MAX//:Overall Long-Time Seeding rate limit] / //All BT Upload Slots//: All BT task upload connections.    * //Overall Upload Rate//: Total upload rate of all tasks [//MAX//:Overall Upload rate limit]/ //LT Seeding//: Total rate of all LT Seeding [//MAX//:Overall Long-Time Seeding rate limit] / //All BT Upload Slots//: All BT task upload connections. 
   * //Free Phys Mem//: Currently free physical memory of operating system (//Min to keep//: Min memory to keep system operating normally).   * //Free Phys Mem//: Currently free physical memory of operating system (//Min to keep//: Min memory to keep system operating normally).
-  * //Disk Cache size//: Cache size that BitComet uses (//Min//: Minimum cache size set to use. //Max//: Maximum cache size set to use). +  * //Disk Cache size//: Cache size that BitComet uses (//Min//: Minimum cache size set to use. //Max//: Maximum cache size set to use). To modify the cache settings go to //Options->[[bitcomet_options#disk_cache|Disk cache]]//
-  * //Disk Read Statistics//: Number of Requests, Actual Disk Reads and Hit Ratio. +  * //Disk Read Statistics//: Number of disk read Requests, Actual Disk Reads and cache Hit Ratio (number of times - as a percentage of the total times - when data was read from the cache instead of the disk)
-  * //Disk Write Statistics//: Number of Requests, Actual Disk Writes and Hit Ratio.+  * //Disk Write Statistics//: Number of disk write Requests, Actual Disk Writes and cache Hit Ratio (number of times - as a percentage of the total times - when data was written in the cache instead of the disk).
   * //Total Downloaded//: Total amount of data that was downloaded with BitComet.   * //Total Downloaded//: Total amount of data that was downloaded with BitComet.
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 ==== Summary ==== ==== Summary ====
 **Downloaded** **Downloaded**
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 ==== Summary ==== ==== Summary ====
 **Download Speed**: Added in v.1.15, it shows the present high/middle/low speed of the current selected task, according to the download rate limit. **Download Speed**: Added in v.1.15, it shows the present high/middle/low speed of the current selected task, according to the download rate limit.
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   * //Seed time//: Seeding time for this session of the task. (//Total//:Total time of seeding for this task.)   * //Seed time//: Seeding time for this session of the task. (//Total//:Total time of seeding for this task.)
   * //Status//: Status of this task (downloading, uploading, paused or stopped).   * //Status//: Status of this task (downloading, uploading, paused or stopped).
-  * //Download size//: Amount of data downloaded in the current session. (//Total//:Total amount of data downloaded for this task.) +  * //Download size//: Amount of data downloaded in the current session. (//Total//:Total amount of data downloaded for this task.)\\ Please note that the number you find in the entry above (in parenthesis) represents the total amount of raw data traded by your client (including //Dropped data//), therefore this value can be higher than the amount of useful valid data transfered by your client (i.e. the reported torrent size).\\ 
-  * Please note that the number you find in the entry above (in parenthesis) represents the total amount of raw data traded by your client (including [[torrent_related#what_is_rubbish_data_and_why_am_i_downloading_so_much_of_it|garbage data]]), therefore this value can be higher than the amount of useful valid data transfered by your client. +    * //BitTorrent peers//: Amount downloaded by BT in this session. (Total amount downloaded by BT for this task) 
-  * //Upload Size//: Amount of data uploaded in this session. (Total:Total amount of data uploaded for this task.)  +    * //Long-Time Seeds//: Amount downloaded by LT-Seeding in this session. (Total amount downloaded by LT-Seeding for this task) 
-  * Starting with v.1.17 the total amount of uploaded data (shown in parenthesis) includes the data uploaded by LT-Seeding.+    * //eMule sources//: Amount downloaded by eMule in this session. (Total amount downloaded by eMule for this task) 
 +    * //Dropped data//: Amount dumped in this session (which failed piece hash-check). (Total amount of [[torrent_related#what_is_rubbish_data_and_why_am_i_downloading_so_much_of_it|garbage data]] dumped for this task) 
 +  * //Upload Size//: Amount of data uploaded in this session. (Total:Total amount of data uploaded for this task.) \\ Please note that starting with v.1.17 the total amount of uploaded data (shown in parenthesis) includes the data uploaded by LT-Seeding.\\ 
 +    * //BitTorrent peers//: Amount uploaded by BT in this session. (Total amount uploaded by BT for this task) 
 +    * //Long-Time Seeds//: Amount uploaded by LT-Seeding in this session. 
 +    * //eMule uploading//: Amount uploaded by eMule in this session. (Total amount uploaded by eMule for this task)
   * //Seed//: How many seeds are on this task. (//Connected//: How many seeds "I" have connected.)   * //Seed//: How many seeds are on this task. (//Connected//: How many seeds "I" have connected.)
   * //Download Speed//: Current download rate. (//Avg//: Amount of data downloaded vs. time that spent to download it. )   * //Download Speed//: Current download rate. (//Avg//: Amount of data downloaded vs. time that spent to download it. )
 +    * //BitTorrent peers//: Download speed of BT.
 +    * //Long-Time Seeds//: Download speed of LT-seeding.
 +    * //eMule sources//: Download speed of eMule.
   * //Upload Speed//: Current upload rate. (//Avg//: Amount of data uploaded vs. time that spent to upload it. )   * //Upload Speed//: Current upload rate. (//Avg//: Amount of data uploaded vs. time that spent to upload it. )
 +    * //BitTorrent peers//: Upload speed of BT.
 +    * //Long-Time Seeding//: Upload speed of LT-seeding.
 +    * //eMule uploading//: Upload speed of eMule. 
   * //Download Speed//: Current download rate.   * //Download Speed//: Current download rate.
   * //Upload Speed//: Current upload rate.   * //Upload Speed//: Current upload rate.
Line 179: Line 191:
   * //Down Limit//: Download rate limit you set for this task.   * //Down Limit//: Download rate limit you set for this task.
   * //Up Limit//: Upload rate limit you set for this task.   * //Up Limit//: Upload rate limit you set for this task.
-  * //Share Ratio//: Amount of data you have uploaded (including data uploaded by Long-Time Seeding) vs. the amount of data you have downloaded. (Please note that in version 1.16 and earlier, the total uploaded data amount doesn't include the data uploaded by Long-Time Seeding) +  * //Share Ratio//: Amount of data you have uploaded (including data uploaded by Long-Time Seeding) vs. the amount of data you have downloaded. (Please note that in version 1.16 and earlier, the total uploaded data amount doesn't include the data uploaded by Long-Time Seeding)\\  
 +Please note that the details of Download size & Speed and Upload size & Speed only show when you hover the mouse cursor over them. When the task starts, both current and accumulated (shown in brackets) statistics will appear; when the task stops, only accumulated statistics will be shown. 
 **General:** **General:**
Line 206: Line 220:
   * Introduced in BitComet v.1.13: BT Task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom Files pane changes to tree list for directory structure; BT task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom pane supports sorting; added new commands to the context menu of BT task file list: expand/collapse folders; added check box to BT task file list pane, for each file and folder, to switch between downloading it or not.   * Introduced in BitComet v.1.13: BT Task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom Files pane changes to tree list for directory structure; BT task file list in properties dialog and right-bottom pane supports sorting; added new commands to the context menu of BT task file list: expand/collapse folders; added check box to BT task file list pane, for each file and folder, to switch between downloading it or not.
-  * **Columns** (Right-click the columns' headers and you can choose to show/hide a column):+=== Columns === 
 +(Right-click the columns' headers and you can choose to show/hide a column):
     * //File Name//: Names of all files.     * //File Name//: Names of all files.
-    * //Preview//: Click "open", file will be open with associated software or played by default nedia player.+    * //Preview//: Click "open", file will be open with associated software or played by default media player.
     * //Progress//: Amount of data downloaded vs. the whole task size.     * //Progress//: Amount of data downloaded vs. the whole task size.
     * //Priority//: The higher the priority, the easier for the file to get data.     * //Priority//: The higher the priority, the easier for the file to get data.
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     * //ED2K link//: If you check the "Calculate ED2K link for each file" option when you make a .torrent file, every ED2K link calculated will be listed here.      * //ED2K link//: If you check the "Calculate ED2K link for each file" option when you make a .torrent file, every ED2K link calculated will be listed here. 
-  * **Right-click menu:**+===Right-click menu=== 
     * //Open File//: Opens downloaded files (non video type). Not available for video files.     * //Open File//: Opens downloaded files (non video type). Not available for video files.
-    * //Play File (P)//: Plays video files with the default player. Not available for non-video files or incomplete video files.+    * //Play File (P)//: Plays video files with the default player. Not available for non-video files or incomplete video files. (Starting with v.1.23 this menu can be made available for other file types too, which will enable playing of video from inside multi-volume RAR archives if you have assigned as default player for BitComet, a player capable of playing video from inside RAR archives. For details on that check this [[preview_while_downloading#how_to_play_preview_video_in_multi-volume_rar_archives|topic]].)
     * //Open Directory (O)//: Opens the directory where the file is located.     * //Open Directory (O)//: Opens the directory where the file is located.
     * //Specify ED2K Link (E)//: This will enable ED network download.     * //Specify ED2K Link (E)//: This will enable ED network download.
     * //Search ED2K link for this file//: Searches ED2K link in the servers the ED plugin connected.     * //Search ED2K link for this file//: Searches ED2K link in the servers the ED plugin connected.
-    * //Priority (R)//: Files with higher priority will get data much easier. But changing priority for files will affect the overall download speed, so, it is not recommend to change this option, unless really needed.+    * //Priority (R)//: With this command you can change the download priority for a certain file. Normally all files start by default with a "//Normal//" priority. Files with higher priority will get data preferentially. But changing priority for files will affect the overall download speed, so, it is not recommend to change this option, unless really needed.
     * //Virus Protection (K)//: Uses the default anti-virus software to scan subject files, which requires to add files extension entries sometimes. ([[bitcomet_options#virus_scan|BitComet Options - Virus Scan]])      * //Virus Protection (K)//: Uses the default anti-virus software to scan subject files, which requires to add files extension entries sometimes. ([[bitcomet_options#virus_scan|BitComet Options - Virus Scan]]) 
Line 228: Line 246:
 ==== Trackers ==== ==== Trackers ====
 Shows informations on tracker connections while BT task is running. Columns' location can be changed but lines can not be sorted. Tackers can be removed by right-click. Shows informations on tracker connections while BT task is running. Columns' location can be changed but lines can not be sorted. Tackers can be removed by right-click.
   * //Tracker URL//: Address of the tracker.   * //Tracker URL//: Address of the tracker.
 +  * //Log//: show log of the tracker.
   * //Retries//: Number of times tried to connect to the tracker. (In case Q:0 appears under this column, it means that the tracker is part of a tracker group and it was queued, for querying only in case the connection with the higher priority server, above it in the server group, fails.)   * //Retries//: Number of times tried to connect to the tracker. (In case Q:0 appears under this column, it means that the tracker is part of a tracker group and it was queued, for querying only in case the connection with the higher priority server, above it in the server group, fails.)
   * //Time Remaining//: After this amount of time, BitComet will retry to connect to the tracker.   * //Time Remaining//: After this amount of time, BitComet will retry to connect to the tracker.
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   * //Peers//: The number of peers retrieved from the tracker.   * //Peers//: The number of peers retrieved from the tracker.
   * //Downloaded//: The total number of times the tracker has registered a client completing the download of the whole file-set of the torrent.   * //Downloaded//: The total number of times the tracker has registered a client completing the download of the whole file-set of the torrent.
-  * //Status//: Shows information getting in response from trackers. +  * //Status//: Shows information responded from trackers.  
 +    * Right-click menu of Tracker records: 
 +      * Add tracker: Add a tracker URL manually. 
 +      * Remove tracker: Remove the tracker record of the tracker selected.  
 +    * Double-click the right boundary of status column to view the entire message.  
 ---- ----
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   * **Connection status icons**:   * **Connection status icons**:
-    * {{:dit_12.png|}}: The remote peer has the data requested and un-choked the connection+    * {{:dit_12.png|}}: The connection between you and the remote peer is [[http://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Peer_wire_protocol_.28TCP.29|un-choked]] by the remote end and the peer has the requested data
-    * {{:dit_13.png|}}: The remote peer choked the connection, or does not have the data requested+    * {{:dit_13.png|}}: The connection is choked by the remote peer or the remote peer does not have the requested data;
     * {{:dit_14.png|}}: No connection to the remote peer.     * {{:dit_14.png|}}: No connection to the remote peer.
     * {{:dit_15.png|}}: The remote peer has sent too much bad (corrupted) data. (Usually due to poor connectivity.)      * {{:dit_15.png|}}: The remote peer has sent too much bad (corrupted) data. (Usually due to poor connectivity.) 
bitcomet_detailed_info_pane.1278853092.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:21 (external edit)
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