
A free C++ BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP Download Client


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BitComet HTTP/FTP Task Properties

Like BT task properties, if you want to check a HTTP/FTP task, you need to select a HTTP/FTP task in the task list and right-click to open the property dialog by clicking “Properties” in the drop-down menu.

  • URL: Required. It can be queried automatically when downloading form webpage or you can enter the URL when you make a new .torrent file.
  • File Size: Click “Query” to know the file size and whether it supports breakpoints transmission.
  • Disk Space: Automatically query the disk space and rest space of the save path.
  • Save Path: Required. Appoint a destination path by selecting it in the drop down menu or enter a path manually.
  • : Browse to choose a save path for the file.
  • : Set the current path as default.
  • Save as: Required. Give a name for the downloaded file in your local server.
  • Rename: Details on naming a files.
  • Description: Statements queried automatically from the download link. Can be modified.
  • Download Now: Start downloading immediately after clicking.
  • Download later: Suspend or stop a task and manually start when needed.

Note: The default settings are the best, common users are recommended to keep the default options.


  • Search for mirrors to speed up your download: Checked by default. This allows getting data form other mirror servers.
  • Search for more users to speed up your download: Checked by default. You can get more details form other users.
  • Try mirrors when the server is down: Checked by default.
  • Connection number: simultaneous connections for the HTTP/FTP task. With the default number 5.
  • Max download rate: Default unlimited. Can be set to limit the max download rate.


  • Referrer: auto-queried according to download URL and can be modified manually.
  • User-name and password needed to access server: Auto-load when downloading and can be modified manually.


  • Please input mirror URLs below:(Not recommended when mirror URLs are unsure)


  • MD5 Verification Code: when the download is finished, enter the MD5 verification code to check whether the downloaded file's content is identical with the original one.

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bitcomet_http_ftp_task_properties.1271238562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:21 (external edit)
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