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bitcomet_installation_guide_for_linux [2023/09/04 10:28] – created wxherebitcomet_installation_guide_for_linux [2024/12/17 03:08] (current) wxhere
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== BitComet Installation Guide for Linux ====+====== BitComet Installation Guide for Linux ======
-BitComet Linux Edition is packaged using **AppImage** format. \\ +BitComet Linux Edition is packaged using **AppImage** format and Docker image
-The detailed info about AppImage format can be found at https://www.appimage.org/ + 
 +===== AppImage package ===== 
 +The AppImage package can run the application without needing superuser permissions to install it. The detailed info about AppImage format can be found at https://www.appimage.org/ 
 **Step 1** Check Linux Distro Version (optional) **Step 1** Check Linux Distro Version (optional)
 ^ Linux Distro ^ Supported Version ^ ^ Linux Distro ^ Supported Version ^
-| Ubuntu | 20.04 |+| Ubuntu | 18.04 |
 | Debian | 12.1 | | Debian | 12.1 |
 | Fedora | 38 | | Fedora | 38 |
 | openSUSE | Leap 15.5 / Tumbleweed | | openSUSE | Leap 15.5 / Tumbleweed |
 | CentOS | Stream 9 | | CentOS | Stream 9 |
 +| Others | GLIBCXX_3.4.22 or higher |
 The only requirement to run BitComet in your Linux distro is the GLIBCXX version in libstdc++.so. \\ The only requirement to run BitComet in your Linux distro is the GLIBCXX version in libstdc++.so. \\
-BitComet cannot run if the GLIBCXX version in your Linux distro is lower than **GLIBCXX_3.4.26**+BitComet cannot run if the GLIBCXX version in your Linux distro is lower than **GLIBCXX_3.4.22**
 The version of installed GLIBCXX in your Linux distro can be find by following commands: The version of installed GLIBCXX in your Linux distro can be find by following commands:
Line 28: Line 32:
 </code> </code>
-====  ==== 
 **Step 2** Download BitComet **Step 2** Download BitComet
Line 35: Line 38:
 **Step 3** Make AppImage executable and run it **Step 3** Make AppImage executable and run it
-== Using the GUI ==+=== Using the GUI ===
   - Open your file manager and browse to the location of the AppImage   - Open your file manager and browse to the location of the AppImage
Line 43: Line 46:
   - Double-click on the AppImage file to run   - Double-click on the AppImage file to run
-== Using the Terminal ==+=== Using the Terminal ===
   - Open a terminal   - Open a terminal
Line 50: Line 53:
   - Run the AppImage: <code>./BitComet.AppImage</code>   - Run the AppImage: <code>./BitComet.AppImage</code>
-====  ====+=====  =====
 **Step 4** Install missing libraries if failed to run AppImage (distro-specific)  **Step 4** Install missing libraries if failed to run AppImage (distro-specific) 
Line 60: Line 63:
   - Install the missing libraries based on the error message:   - Install the missing libraries based on the error message:
-== For Ubuntu / Debian distros ==+=== For Ubuntu / Debian distros ===
 ^ Library ^ commands to check installed version and install missing library ^ ^ Library ^ commands to check installed version and install missing library ^
Line 66: Line 69:
 | libwebkit2gtk-4.0 | apt list <nowiki>|</nowiki> grep libwebkit2gtk \\ sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 | | libwebkit2gtk-4.0 | apt list <nowiki>|</nowiki> grep libwebkit2gtk \\ sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 |
-== For Fedora / RedHat / CentOS distros ==+**Note:** For Ubuntu 24.04 and above distros, the apt sources for 22.04 are required 
 +<code>sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources 
 +# add "jammy" to the end of line "Suites: xxx xxx xxx" 
 +# add "jammy-security" to the end of line "Suites: xxx-security" 
 +# save and quit 
 +sudo apt update 
 +sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 
 +# revert apt sources if necessary 
 +=== For Fedora / RedHat / CentOS distros ===
 ^ Library ^ commands to check installed version and install missing library ^ ^ Library ^ commands to check installed version and install missing library ^
Line 72: Line 85:
 | libwebkit2gtk-4.0 | yum list webkit2gtk* \\ sudo yum install webkit2gtk-4.0.x86_64 | | libwebkit2gtk-4.0 | yum list webkit2gtk* \\ sudo yum install webkit2gtk-4.0.x86_64 |
-== For openSUSE distros ==+=== For openSUSE distros ===
 ^ Library ^ commands to check installed version and install missing library ^ ^ Library ^ commands to check installed version and install missing library ^
Line 79: Line 92:
 More info about errors related to something called “FUSE” can be found at [[https://docs.appimage.org/user-guide/troubleshooting/fuse.html|this page]]  More info about errors related to something called “FUSE” can be found at [[https://docs.appimage.org/user-guide/troubleshooting/fuse.html|this page]] 
 +===== Deb package =====
 +**Step 1** Download BitComet
 +the deb package of BitComet Linux edition can be downloaded from [[https://download.bitcomet.com/linux/|official website]].
 +**Step 2** Install deb package
 +  - Open a terminal
 +  - Change to the directory containing the deb file, e.g., using <code> cd <my directory> </code>
 +  - Install the deb package:<code>sudo apt install ./BitComet-2.12.0-x86_64.deb</code>
 +**Step 3** Start the program
 +launch the main program of GUI mode: <code>BitComet</code>
 +launch the main program of console mode with Web UI: <code>bitcometd</code>
 +**Note: **The main program in both modes can only run one instance at a time.
 +===== Docker image (GUI mode) =====
 +List of BitComet Docker images in GUI mode: https://hub.docker.com/r/wxhere/bitcomet/tags
 +==== Deploy Method 1:  using docker-compose ====
 +**Step 1** Save **docker-compose.yml** to your local system:
 +    version: '3'
 +    services:
 +        sandbox:
 +            container_name: bitcomet
 +            image: wxhere/bitcomet:latest
 +            volumes:
 +                # mounts a host directory into the container to store config files
 +                - /docker/appdata/BitComet:/home/sandbox/.config/BitComet:rw
 +                # mounts a host directory into the container to store downloaded files
 +                - ~/Downloads:/home/sandbox/Downloads:rw
 +            ports:
 +                # VNC GUI port
 +                - 5900:5900
 +                # Web GUI port
 +                - 6080:80
 +                # BitTorrent ports
 +                - 6082:6082
 +                - 6082:6082/udp
 +            environment:
 +                - VNC_PASSWORD=123456
 +                - HTTP_PASSWORD=123456
 +                - USER=sandbox
 +                - PASSWORD=123456
 +Note: Please change the username, password, and port mapping according to your own needs.
 +**Step 2** Pull the docker image, create a container and run it:
 + docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
 +**Step 3** Open the webpage of BitComet GUI in your browser:
 + username: sandbox
 + password: 123456
 +or connect to the VNC desktop with your VNC client:
 + port: 5900
 + username: sandbox
 + password: 123456
 +**Step 4** Click the BitComet icon in desktop to launch it if closed.
 +==== Deploy Method 2:  using Docker CLI ====
 +**Step 1** Pull the docker image:
 +    docker pull wxhere/bitcomet:latest
 +**Step 2** Create a container and run it:
 + docker run -d \
 +   --name=bitcomet \
 +   -e VNC_PASSWORD=123456 \
 +   -e HTTP_PASSWORD=123456 \
 +   -e USER=sandbox \
 +   -e PASSWORD=123456 \
 +   -p 5900:5900 \
 +   -p 6080:80 \
 +   -p 6882:6882 \
 +   -p 6882:6882/udp \
 +   -v /docker/appdata/BitComet:/home/sandbox/.config/BitComet:rw \
 +   -v ~/Downloads:/home/sandbox/Downloads:rw \
 +   --restart unless-stopped \
 +   wxhere/bitcomet:latest
 +Note: Please change the username, password, and port mapping according to your own needs.
 +**Step 3** Open the webpage of BitComet GUI in your browser:
 + username: sandbox
 + password: 123456
 +or connect to the VNC desktop with your VNC client:
 + port: 5900
 + username: sandbox
 + password: 123456
 +**Step 4** Click the BitComet icon in desktop to launch it if closed.
 +===== Docker image (Web UI mode) =====
 +List of BitComet Docker images in Web UI mode: https://hub.docker.com/r/wxhere/bitcomet-webui/tags
 +==== Deploy Method 1:  using docker-compose ====
 +**Step 1** Save **docker-compose.yml** to your local system:
 +    services:
 +        sandbox:
 +            container_name: bitcomet
 +            image: wxhere/bitcomet-webui:latest
 +            volumes:
 +                # mounts a host directory into the container to store config files
 +                - /docker/appdata/BitComet:/root/.config/BitComet:rw
 +                # mounts a host directory into the container to store downloaded files
 +                - ~/Downloads:/root/Downloads:rw
 +            ports:
 +                # Web GUI port
 +                - 6080:8080
 +                # BitTorrent port
 +                - 6082:6082
 +                - 6082:6082/udp
 +            environment:
 +                - BITCOMET_WEBUI_PORT=8080
 +                - BITCOMET_BT_PORT=6082
 +                - WEBUI_USERNAME=test
 +                - WEBUI_PASSWORD=test
 +Note: Please change the username, password, and port mapping according to your own needs.
 +**Step 2** Pull the docker image, create a container and run it:
 + docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
 +**Step 3** Open the webpage of BitComet Web UI in your browser:
 + username: test
 + password: test
 +==== Deploy Method 2:  using Docker CLI ====
 +**Step 1** Pull the docker image:
 +    docker pull wxhere/bitcomet-webui:latest
 +**Step 2** Create a container and run it:
 + docker run -d \
 +   --name=bitcomet \
 +          -e BITCOMET_WEBUI_PORT=8080 \
 +          -e BITCOMET_BT_PORT=6082 \
 +          -e WEBUI_USERNAME=test \
 +          -e WEBUI_PASSWORD=test \
 +   -p 6080:8080 \
 +   -p 6882:6882 \
 +   -p 6882:6882/udp \
 +   -v /docker/appdata/BitComet:/root/.config/BitComet:rw \
 +   -v ~/Downloads:/root/Downloads:rw \
 +   --restart unless-stopped \
 +   wxhere/bitcomet-webui:latest
 +Note: Please change the username, password, and port mapping according to your own needs.
 +**Step 3** Open the webpage of BitComet Web UI in your browser:
 + username: test
 + password: test
bitcomet_installation_guide_for_linux.1693823287.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/04 10:28 by wxhere
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