
A free C++ BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP Download Client


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BitComet Keyboard Shortcuts


  1. Selecting several torrent files and dragging them to the main window of BitComet, will add several tasks at once.
  2. Dragging a file/directory to the floating window of BitComet will bring up the torrent maker dialog.
  3. Dragging a file/directory to the main window of BitComet will bring up the torrent maker dialog.


Alt + `: Boss key, hide/reload BitComet (changeable)
Ctrl + C: Copy
Ctrl + V: Paste
Ctrl + X: Cut
Ctrl + A: Select All
Ctrl + P: Properties…
Ctrl + M: Make Torrent File
Ctrl + O: Open Torrent File
Ctrl + U: Open Torrent from URL… (Open BC Link in v.1.16 and earlier)
Ctrl + N: Add HTTP/FTP Download

Task lists

UP (keyboard arrow): Move selection one task upwards in the list
DOWN (keyboard arrow): Move selection one task downwards in the list
PgUp: Move selection one page up in the list
PgDown: Move selection one page down in the list
HOME: Move selection to the top of the list
END: Move selection to the bottom of the list
Ctrl + UP: Move task upwards (non-sorting)
Ctrl + DOWN: Move task downwards (non-sorting)
Ctrl + HOME: Move task topside (non-sorting)
Ctrl + END: Move task down-most (non-sorting)
DELETE: Remove torrent
Shift + DEL: Remove torrent, including downloaded files
Alt + ENTER: Properties of task

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bitcomet_keyboard_shortcuts.1306338704.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:21 (external edit)
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