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Offline Download

What is Offline download

Help on offline download

Adding offline download tasks

Method 1: Adding task via BitComet Interface.

Step 1: First of all, login to your CometID on BitComet interface.
Step 2: Select the task you want to offline download from the task list.
Step 3: Click on the Offline Download tab in detailed info pane, and click on Enable Offline Download.

Method 2: Adding task via website.

Step 1: Login to http://vip.bitcomet.com
Step 2: Click on New task, a “New BT download task” dialog box will pop up.
Step 3: Enter the Magnet URI or signature of the task, then fill in the task name, and hit Start download at last.

Deleting offline download tasks

Step 1: Login to http://vip.bitcomet.com
Step 2: Check the task you would like to delete in the task list.
Step 3: Click on Delete Task above the task list, or the red cross at the right. The task will be deleted after confirming deletion in the pop-up box.

Download the task from cloud hosting to local disk

Method 1: Download the task to local disk via BitComet interface.

Step 1: First of all, login to your CometID on BitComet interface.
Step 2: In the task list, click on the task that you would like to download to local disk.
Step 3: Click on the “Offline download” tab in detailed info pane. Step 4: Check the task on the clouding hosting to see if it has finished downloading, the Download to local disk option will be grayed-out if the task has not finished downloading. (If none of the tasks has finished downloading on clod hosting, then nothing can be downloaded to local disk; the downloaded pieces on cloud hosting can help speeding up the download in BitComet interface) Step 5: Click on Download to local disk. Step 6: The task in the BitComet task list will start downloading, and will obtain pieces from cloud hosting to speed up the download.

Method 2: Download the task to local disk via website. Step 1: Login to http://vip.bitcomet.com
Step 2: In the task list, click on the task that you would like to download to local disk.
Step 3: BitComet will run automatically; if this task exists in the BitComet task list, it will start downloading automatically; if the task doesn't exist in BitComet task list, a new tasked will then be created and start downloading to local disk.

BitComet interface - “Offline download” tab

When downloading a task with offline download, the files contained cannot be selected, all of them will be downloaded.

  • Offline Download Status
    • Enable Offline Download: To offline download this BT task. (No matter this task has finished downloading or not.)
    • Offline Download Enabled: This BT task is being offline downloaded, the button is now grayed-out.
  • Download to local disk: While an offline download task has reached 100% of progress, clicking on this button will download the file from cloud hosting to local disk.
  • Task information: The information of BitComet local tasks.
    • Download Speed: The speed of downloading the BT task via BitComet. (Download speed is 0 while uploading)
    • From server: The speed gained from downloading the BT from the server (cloud hosting).
    • Progress: The percentage of the BT task that has been downloaded by BitComet.
  • Server Information: The information of tasks on the server (cloud hosting).
    • Status: The status of the BT task on the server.
    • Download Speed: The speed of downloading the BT task on the server.
    • Downloaded Size: The downloaded size of the BT task on the server.
    • Total Size: The total size of the BT task.
    • Progress: The percentage of the BT task that has been downloaded by the server.
    • Start Time: The time of starting downloading the BT task on the server.
    • Finish Time: The time of finishing downloading the BT task on the server.
  • View all Offline Downloads: Enters the task management page of the user's Offline download server.
  • Detailed Help: The link of help on offline download.

Website - “Offline download” task management page

New Task: Adding new tasks by entering the magnet URI or signature. (Detailed help)

Delete Task: Select the task you want to delete and click on this icon to delete it. (Detailed help)

  • Task list:
    • Categorised tabs: Divides all tasks into 3 categoriesed tabs, click on each tab will show the corresponding tasks on the right.
      • All tasks: All offline download tasks, include all completed and downloading tasks.
      • Downloading: All incomplete offline download tasks.
      • Completed: All 100% finished offline download tasks.
    • Titles:
      • Status: The status of the offline download task, either completed or downloading.
      • File Name: The name of the offline download task.
      • File size: The size of the offline download task.
      • Progress: The percentage of the task that has been offline downloaded.
      • Speed: The speed of offline downloading the task.
      • Time Remaining: According to the download speed of the offline download server, the estimated time of completing the offline download task.
  • User Information (Read more)
    • Level: The corresponding level of user's CometID score.
    • Score: The score that earned by the user.
    • Title: The corresponding title of user's CometID score.
    • Ranking: The corresponding ranking of user's CometID score among worldwide users.
  • Space Information
  • In Use: The amount of space that has been used by the user.
  • Remaining: The current amount of space available for offline download. (Remaining space = Total space - used space)
  • Total Space: The total amount of space that is available for offline download. The total sum of all task size cannot exceed this amount; if the total sum exceeds the limit while adding a new task, then the exceeded amount cannot be added.
  • Task Limit: The maximum task number allowed for the user to download, which means that the total offline download task amount cannot exceed this number.

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offline_download.1282043145.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:21 (external edit)
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