
A free C++ BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP Download Client


Using DHT tracker

What is DHT Network?

DHT (Distributed Hash Table) is a method of distributed storage for <key,value> pairs. There is no central server in the DHT Network; every client takes charge of a small range of routing and a small part of data storage, so that in the whole DHT Network, all data can be found, read and written. The new versions of BitComet can connect to both Trackers and the DHT Network; this means that files can be downloaded even if none of the trackers can be connected. The protocol of DHT Network in BitComet is compatible with BitTorrent Beta 4.1.2, so that they can share the same network. Please note that the DHT implementation in Azureus is not compatible with BitTorrent Beta and thus also not compatible with BitComet.

The DHT algorithm we use is Kademlia (called KAD in eMule, but the network protocol is different from BitTorrent.)

How to use DHT Network in BitComet?

Nothing needs to be done to use the DHT Network in BitComet. It is enabled by default and can be disabled in: Options → Advanced → Connection → Enable DHT Network. Or see Options-> Task-> BitTorrent (BT task in older versions).

BitComet uses an UDP port with the same number as your TCP listening port, for the DHT Network. BitComet has the option to add DHT nodes to tracker list.

DHT Connection Status:

  • A Green Circle at the bottom right hand corner of the client followed by a statement “DHT Connected Node: XXX” means that you're successfully tapped into the DHT Network.
  • A Grey Circle at the bottom right hand corner of the client followed by a statement “DHT not Connected” means that you're not tapped into the DHT network.
  • Even if you have NO torrents running (i.e. active), BitComet should automatically connect to it's nearest DHT Node.

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using_dht_tracker.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:21 (external edit)
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