
A free C++ BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP Download Client


BitComet Toolbar

Toolbar Options

  • New: does the same as “File”→ “HTTP/FTP download”. It will open an add download dialog. Read more
  • Open: does the same as “File”→“Open torrent”: prompts you for the location, on the local system, of the .torrent file that you are trying to open. Read more
  • Make: does the same as “File”→“Make torrent”: allows you to make a .torrent file for the data you want to share with other people. 【Hidden by default】 Read more.
  • Favorite: Click to locate the “Favorite bar” on the left side of BitComet's interface toggle between show or hide.

The following actions only apply for the currently selected task in task list.

  • Start: will start downloading or uploading of a task. 【Unavailable when no task selected or selected task is already started.】
  • Stop: will stop downloading or uploading of a task. 【Unavailable when no task selected or selected task is already stopped.】
  • Preview: previews a video file contained in the downloaded files of the selected task.【Unavailable when no task selected or no video file is contained in the task/video file download not finished.】Read more
  • OpenDir: takes you to the location where the downloaded files are saved.【Unavailable when no task selected.】
  • Properties: opens the task properties page.【Unavailable when no task selected.】
  • Delete: deletes either the selected task or both the selected task and the downloaded files.【Unavailable when no task selected.】
  • Move up: moves the selected task one row up in the task list.【Hidden by default. Unavailable when task list is sorted by column or no task is selected or the selected task is already the top one in the task list.】
  • Move down: moves the selected task one row down in the task list.【Hidden by default. Unavailable when task list is sorted by column or no task selected or the selected task is already the last one in the task list.】

Task moving shortkeys: Ctrl+ ↑ = Move up; Ctrl+ ↓ = Move down; Ctrl+ HOME = Move to top; Ctrl+ END = Move to bottom.

  • Options: opens the global settings dialog. Read more.
  • Homepage: opens BitComet Homepage in your default web browser.
  • Movie: opens a movie site recommended by BitComet, in your default web browser.
  • Music: opens a music site recommended by BitComet, in your default web browser.
  • Software: opens a software download site recommended by BitComet, in your default web browser.
  • Games: opens a game website recommended by BitComet, in your default web browser.
  • Forum: opens BitComet Forum in your default web browser.
  • Exit: Exits BitComet
 To show/hide the text under a toolbar button, 
 please go to "Main Menu->"View"->"Toolbar"->"Show Toolbar Text".

  • The visibility of this search box can be set at Main Menu→ “View”→ “Toolbar”→ “Show Task Search Box”.【Hidden by default.】
  • If you want to search a task that is listed in your task list, you may use multi-keywords, separate each other by space. For example: 2009 China.
    • Please note that the search result only applies to the group (All Downloads, Downloading, Completed or Uploading) currently selected. For example, if the currently selected group is “Completed”, you will not find a task with the string “2009 China”, that is listed in the “Downloading” group.

  • You can go to: Main Menu→ View→ Toolbar→ Show Search Box, to set the visibility status of the search box.
  • You can search download sources in several databases in the search box.
    • Source category: Movie, Music, Software, Games etc.
    • Multi-keywords supported, separate each keyword by space.

Right-click menu

  • Right click the Toolbar to manage the appearance of a button.
    This can also be set by going to Main Menu → View → Toolbar → Buttons.

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bitcomet_toolbar.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:21 (external edit)
[unknown button type]
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